Sunday, March 6, 2011

Frosting Pink

If you haven't already noticed... I'm really into "kitschy kitchenware". The sweet little pink and white Pyrex glass container below is from a set that Cassie and I bought when we moved in together and I think it was the beginning of my obsession. Sadly, we had to split up the set of four when she moved out. It was like getting a divorce and deciding which child to keep. But now I'm over it and I've indulged myself into the world of vintage kitchen accessories! How cool is this yellow water jug? I love its retro plastic spout and (although hard to see in this picture) its dancing Dutchman (with a Dutch Maiden on the other side) declaring "Water!" The glass keeps my tap water ice cold (and I'm proud to say that it is not leaking anymore!) and the spout protects it from that god-awful "refrigerator taste" that sometimes creeps into water pitchers with open tops.

On the topic of refrigerators... I've been storing "Frosting Pink Paint" (a color that I whipped up myself with a little OPPS! red paint and a lot of white primer that was just sitting in our laundry room) in ours. I've been painting a lot of old furniture lately and I've found that the fridge keeps the paint from hardening too quickly. I've also learned that it's important to have other things to do when waiting for paint to dry. If you just stare at it you will get impatient and be sure to smudge it up. So I've been keeping myself busy with books and photographing the "Frosting Pink" in my fridge.
On a side note, after being inside my refrigerator: I would like to say that my roommate is wonderful. Not many people can deal with odds and ends of furniture being left to dry in the middle of their living room day in and day out, but Samantha never complains. I constantly have wet brushes and rollers taking up half the dish rack and color splattered protective sheets covering our beautiful carpet, but she swears she doesn't mind. The "Frosting Pink Paint" just below her pudding cups and DanActive Yogurt seemed like it could have been the straw to break the camels back, but Samantha just laughs and pays no attention to my kooky ways. We should all be so lucky!


  1. i love that you gave your light pink paint a name. how opi of you! keep up the good work with your blog photographs!

  2. The frosting looks yummier than the pudding
