Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Flamboyant Funeral

My co-worker, Tony Brocato, died a few weeks ago. These are the black clothes I wore to his funeral. The sweater I had picked out was absolutely chic, but just as I was strapping on my high heels and getting ready to leave for the memorial, I realized there was a hole peeking through the chicness on my upper left shoulder. If I was a true Martha Stewart type, I would have easily been able to whip out the needle and thread. But considering I'm the Michelle Dwyer type and in favor of cleverness over craftiness, I simply cut another small hole in my right shoulder to match. Very silly, I know, but Tony would have approved.

The pantyhose I donned was original, vintage, still-in-package Montgomery Ward's and Ultra-Sheer! Tony would have approved of that as well. I miss him already, but the funeral was fabulous and we made each other laugh when we spoke of the outrageous times in front of the urn housing his ashes. That might sound dark, but really we kept the funeral light and everyone had a pleasant time in his honor.

When someone dies it makes me think about how I'm living my life, I suppose that's the up side to every wake. I shouldn't take my loved ones for-granted. I shouldn't leave demanding notes about dishes to my lovely roommate and I shouldn't complain when my boyfriend plays his music too loud... but I do. Hopefully I'll learn as I go and begin to be more appreciative.


  1. Cool panty hose, and I wish I was there to sew up theat hole for you!

  2. wakes/funerals always make you question your life. it's only natural. that being said i think you're living your life wonderfully! and i think tony would agree with that.
