Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog on a Mission

It's fine and dandy to write about your life and all... but I'm really diggin' these blogs on a mission. With the "30-day challenge" up in the air and my 13 yr old "Style Rookie" obsessions, I've been feeling inspired to make my blog a fun place to visit!

Mariel and I are thrifting today, and I promise to bring my camera along. I always scout out pictures of vintage-ware and yard sale treasures on google, so I might as well add to the mix.

If there's anything funky you want photographed, like an extra-large polka dot shirt or cobalt mason jar -- let me know and I'll search for one at the store! Cool pictures coming soon!


  1. Check out Thrift Sightseeing above!

  2. I can't believe i missed this challenge!
    Okay... next time i want you to take a picture of Smurf memorabilia, with extra points given if it isn't a BK glass.

  3. Hahaha I will keep an eye out for sure! And I agree that Burger King merch is totally cheating!
