Last night after a long day at work, I went to Mariel's house excited to pick her up, grab some food, and take her to the Lemon to pack up her clothes that didn't sell. I also wanted her to take all the hangers that were taking up precious space in our laundry room.
This was the plan, but life doesn't always go according to plan (like electric teapots, sometimes they break.) Instead of a lovely evening of Lemon clean-up, quesadillas from El Nayer, and free movie passes (from that wild and crazy girl Chelsea) I had a stressed out, cold toes shaking in my boots, wire hanger break in.
I locked my keys in my car. Dammit. Mariel kept her cool and I cursed like a sailer, but refused to call a locksmith. "My uncle has helped me with this before, we need a wire hanger."
Twisted into many configurations, sometimes with the aid of a rubber-band, a wire hanger can usually grip the lock and pull it up, or jab at the automatic unlock button. For me, without any patience, this is easier said then done. Not to mention how irritable cold toes can make a girl who can't get into her car. Eventually Mariel's parents came home from a fancy party (where someone else locked themselves out of their car) and tried to help. Her dad patiently stayed with us for a half an hour in the cold trying to pry the damn thing open with grace, but without any luck. After he struck out I gave the old girl a few more pops myself and said, "The hell with this Mariel, I'm going inside to call some company that's going to overcharge me for their help."
"OK... but can I stay out here and try a few more times? I haven't tried yet." Mariel looked hopeful, but I felt hopeless. I told her to knock herself out but figured, what's the use? Why the heck would she even try anymore? Come inside and get warm, you're not a miracle worker. On the Internet I saw ads for a "$15 locksmith in 15 minutes (depending on traffic)" but didn't trust their conning fine print. Mariel's mom told me that a lady at work (who ALSO got locked out on the same day) had to pay 59 bucks and to not believe in any fifteen dollar hooey.
But before I could pick up the phone to pay for my misery, Mariel came rushing into the house, minutes after I abandoned her, screaming "I got it! I got it!" Oh we cheered and her parents beamed, "That's our Mariel Braid, she's always had a steady hand, I swear to God!"
So after all that! We missed the dinner and the Lemon clean-out but made it just in time to see Black Swan and to pick up the comp tickets from Chelsea. I put my head on Mariel's shoulder just outside the concession stand and thanked her again. "You know what? I'm getting a $5 soda and some hot dogs! Let's celebrate!"
P.S. Black Swan was creepy, but entertaining. Natalie Portman helped me escape and feel better about all my auto troubles this month. Keys locked out of a car can't hold a candle to that psycho ballerina!