Sunday, November 28, 2010

Teacher Supplies

This Saturday morning, Ryan and I went to Tuesday Morning (to shop for closeout prices). God I love that store. Clearance racks of stationery, smelly French-Milled soaps for half the sticker price, and ORGANIZATIONAL OFFICE SUPPLIES! I have a thing for boxes, the more the merrier and today I basically bought a box on wheels. What could be better than taking something I already have a fondness for, and then adding mobility to it? I'll probably look like an insane art teacher for the rest of my days, but I plan to tote around a "scrap-booking cart" in an electric blue shade (that I got for just $19.99 at that Terrific Tuesday shop) forever. I used to think that I wanted to be a teacher, but now I realize I really just want their supplies. Happy Organizing!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bonjour Tristesse

My post is "Hello Sadness" in French. Ironically at this point in my life, I am welcoming happiness, but we'll brush that aside for now. Francoise Sagan is my photographed inspiration above and "Bonjour Tristesse" is a novel of hers that I must read. It seems that she is a woman after my own heart, not to mention that her haircut kind of looks like mine does right now, same color and all. I think people should read books by authors who have their same hairstyle. If someone gets your hair, then they must get your head. Another funny thing about hair: in the third picture Francoise is with Jean Seberg, who was the muse for my previous trimmings (to fix the mutilated Arbutian Hair Disaster I had to go super short...) In one of my notebooks I wrote about chopping my hair off to feel like a "French/American Movie in black and white. Wearing a striped shirt, badly dubbed, short haircut to show off my ears."

But now that I'm a grown out and grown up blonde I'm feeling more like Francoise. Jean Seberg was a beautiful actress who needn't say a word, but Francoise was a "charming little monster" who used her biting wit over her eccentric looks.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Still Not Spoiled...

♫♫♪One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch, girl.
Oh, give it one more try before you give up on love.
One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch girl.
Oh, I don't care what they say,
I don't care what you heard.♫♫♪

What kind of life am I living? I have The Osmonds stuck in my head and I just ate 59 cent, off brand Mac N' Cheese for dinner. What a world! Anyway... things have been good and I haven't been on here in awhile, but that doesn't mean I'm a bad apple.

I just got home from a loooong day of work in Old Ellicott City. It was so chilly in the building I was selling junk in I was certain my toes were going to freeze off. I should have worn my black fuzzy boots. But no regrets. I'm home now and in a few minutes I'm going to treat myself to a very hot shower. Hope all is well with the rest of you Golden Delicious Friends of mine!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Trailer Dreams

After taking Samantha to work this morning in the rain, I lusted over the trailer parks on Telegraph Road. This might sound strange, but Ryan and I seriously talked about buying a trailer once... I think it must have been after we watched John Water's Pink Flamingos. At the time it seemed like it would be the ideal, cheap life for us and perfect for hoarding all of my vintage yard sale crap. So on the way home from dropping Samantha off, in the middle of Odenton Maryland, I daydreamed about a gypsy trailer decorated with wind chimes and beaded curtains. In my car my Elvis cassette tape whirled music in rhythm to the windshield wipers smacking my dashboard and I think that only enhanced my trailer park visions. However, now that I am home in my cozy room I think I've returned back to my senses. YAHOO ANSWERS says: "Invest your money, dont put it in the deteriation fund. Trailers are like cars. Once they get old, they are junk and of no value!"

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Dead Housewife

Halloween is finally over and I made it out ALIVE! Here I am pictured with the Wayne's World Garth. If you take a close look you'll notice that he's wearing snakebites and that I'm insane. Look at my whisk... it's really ready to whip something up!

Fondue anyone?